Getting Married in the Catholic Church?
When a couple decides to book St. Anne’s Parish Church for a wedding, they do so with the priest from their area, who is normally the presiding priest for their wedding.
When the couple is not resident in the parish, both parties should make contact with the priest from their respective parishes at an early date. This contact is in addition to the booking of the presiding priest for the wedding.
A minimum of three months notice must be given to the parishes of both parties. For civil requirements, three months must also be given to the Registrar of Marriages for the area where the marriage is taking place.

Your Contact for this Area
Helen Foley,
Joyce House,
8-11 Lombard Street East,
Dublin 2.
Phone: 636 9380
Failure to comply with this regulation requires a dispensation from the High Court.
Marriage Preparation
It is essential that couples prepare well for Christian Marriage.
Responsibility for this rests with the priest of your resident parish, who is normally the priest who prepares the wedding papers.
The best way to prepare is to undertake a Pre-Marriage Course. These courses are intended to help you make a good marriage better. If any problem arises in regard to this, please contact your priest. As there is great demand early booking is advisable.

Why do an ACCORD Marriage Preparation Course?
ACCORD Dublin has launched a new website. For Sacramental Marriage Preparation Courses or for Marriage and Relationship Counselling please visit
It is a precious time and a time for preparation.
For further information phone: 01 478 4400
Mount Argus
Listen to what past Attendees said……..

“I thought this was a course that may have pushed old fashioned church ideas. Exact opposite – wished it was longer”
“I did it because I had to, but I’m glad I did it, enjoyed it and it raised a few issues we need to discuss further – I would recommend it, even for a cynic like me!!!”
Given the significance and importance of the marriage ceremony, it should be noted that only appropriate music in Church is allowed. Please contact the priest or one of our musicians if you have any queries in this regard.
For further information please contact the parish office at 846 1561
Photographs and Video
We would be grateful if when engaging your photographer, you would request him or her to be discreet when filming and ask that no floodlighting be used.

Civil Requirements for Marriage
Make an appointment to meet with any Civil Registrar to give at least three months notice of your intention to marry in advance of your proposed date of marriage. In preparation for the meeting with the Registrar meet with your local priest, book your church and know the name of the priest who has agreed to celebrate your marriage (he is known in civil law as the Solemniser). Make sure the priest who has agreed to marry you is on the ‘List of Solemnisers’. If he is not on the list ask your local priest about having him nominated as a Temporary Solemniser for your marriage. You will need the following information and documentation for your meeting with the Registrar:
Photo identity (preferably a passport or driving license)
Names and dates of birth of witnesses
Name of the church where you wish to marry
Date of marriage
Name of priest who will officiate at your marriage
If either of you has been previously married you must provide the Civil Registrar with an original divorce decree or death certificate if widowed.
Make sure you receive the Marriage Registration Form (MRF) from the Registrar and show it to the Solemniser who has agreed to marry you to ensure all the details are correct. Make a verbal declaration of no civil impediment before the Solemniser and your two witnesses not more than 2 days before your marriage. It usually takes place just as you arrive at the sanctuary area on the day of your marriage as the Rite of Marriage is about to begin. You must return to any Civil Registrar’s office the signed MRF/Form A, not later then 1 month after your marriage has been celebrated.
For the “The Essential Checklist” & “Freedom to Marry” form click here